Curbside Brush Collection
Curbside brush collection is provided twice per year. Customers receive notification on a door hanger of their week of collection 7-10 days before collection begins. These guidelines apply:
- The date on the door hanger states when your brush pile should be set out. It is NOT the actual day of collection. Collections can take up to a week to complete.
- Brush piles should be no more than eight cubic yards and placed within eight feet of the curb.
- Your pile should be ready for pickup no later than 7:00 am on the Monday of your scheduled collection week.
- Residents can schedule an out of cycle brush pick up for a fee by calling 3-1-1 or 210-207-6000.
- For paper bagged leaves, call 3-1-1 or 210-207-6000 for a special Leaf Collection.
- Piles should not be obstructed, in front of parked cars or under low hanging tree limbs.
- Do not place any material on vacant lots.
The property owner will be in violation of City Code, Chapter 14 and may receive a fine of up to $2,000.00 per day along with collection and disposal fees if their pile contains non-brush material, is obstructed or is set out after crews have passed the residence.

Accepted Materials
- Tree branches
- Woody vines
- Shrubs
Unacceptable Materials
- Plastic bagged leaves*
- Bulky household items
- Construction, roofing,, or demolition material
- Household hazardous waste
- Grass clippings
- Trash
- Car tires
- Soil & rocks
* Leaves that are brought in unacceptable containers, may still be emptied out of those containers at the brush drop-off centers.
Tags, Door Hangers & Flyers
We communicate directly with individual customers in a variety of ways. Here are the methods we use and what the messages mean.